The Department of Botany was established in 1947 as an “Inter Science”. Prof. T Ruben laid the firm foundation of the department. Further it was carried forward by Prof.S.S.Patil, Prof. A. B. Hasaraddi, Prof L.M.Janai Prof. K.S.Kadadevarmath, Dr. G. F Kulkarni, Shri S. A Malwade, Shri. G. M Nesur, Dr.M B Mulimani, Mrs. L .L Malghan, Dr. P. D Needagi, and others. Dr. RamachandraNaik M is presently working as an Assistant Professor and heads of the Botany department.
- The present building of the department has a good infrastructure presence in heart of the vijayapur town. The main thrust area of teaching and research are plant pathology, Plant physiology, Cytogenetic and plant breeding, Environmental Botany, Plant Biotechnology, Systemic Botany and Medicinal plants. The department has made a steady progress in all these areas with the contribution faculty members.
- The Department offers Botany as one of the optional subjects along with Zoology and Chemistry at UG level. The department also offers Open elective course, Skill Enhancement Course, Value Added Course and Career Oriented Course in ‘Nursery and Garden Management’.
- At present, two assistant professors Dr. RamachandraNaik M and Krishna Mandla with supporting 4 lecturer staff and 3 attenders are working in the Department of Botany. The department has published various research papers and Book chapters on different aspects have been published. The department has also organized Seminars/ Conference/Bridge course/ Guest lecturer talk. The department also provides Microtomy techniques, grafting techniques and nursery techniques training to MoU students from various parts of the Karnataka state and invites eminent scientists for delivering popular scientific talks very often. The department library has significant numbers of books and periodicals and subscribes journals. The department also maintains a Botanical garden, College campus garden, Rose garden and medicinal garden covering large landscape.
- The department has been identified for special assistant grant by various funding agencies including UGC grant, DBT, DST and Central Biodiversity Board. Faculty members of the department have received research projects funded from various agencies, such as department of Biotechnology, Department of Science and Technology, University Grants Commission and Karnataka Biodiversity Board. Dr. P M Needagi received Chief Minister NCC award and DG NCC Award. Prof. S SPatil received NCC Captain Award. RamachandraNaik.M received Rajiv Gandhi fellowship to get advance training in research and visited various institutions across the India, Malaysia and Singapore for the research work. Faculty members also presented plant science related research work in national and international conferences.
The department committed to function as the center of excellence in higher education and application oriented basic research in the field of plant science
- "To explore and not to exploit the plant world".
- To perceive and disseminate the importance of plants in sustaining the earth and to understand the diversity, development and functioning in order to conserve and coexist with nature.
- To bestow the students with basic applied understanding of the subject through innovative teaching and research.
- “To prepare students to become competent and effective professionals to develop social work knowledge”.
To produce graduates with the relevant skills and knowledge necessary for productive research and teaching.
- To produce graduates with requisite biological knowledge and techniques necessary for industries such as brewing, food processing and preservation.
- To provide courses in Biological Sciences to students of other departments whose degree options require a working knowledge of Botany.
- To take up the research projects and publish research papers and articles by faculty.
- Imbibing scientific temperament in students community so that to produce seminal scientific work.
- Inviting guest resources from different area to make students competent in related disciplines to Botany.
- To institute commercially viable and economically fruitful courses to make students as prospective entrepreneurs.
- Motivating students to venture Post Graduation and Research activities.
- To strength quality education and research through advanced infrastructural and technological facilities.